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Azure Case Studies Microsoft Office


Peter De Tender Infrastructure architect Belgium 'I’m responsible for a team of 30 people. My company is growing and growing. When we hire someone new, we check out his certifications as well as experience. People who are not certified are dropped from consideration.' Scott Brondel Active Directory Engineer Texas 'Having the solutions expert be part of the new branding of MCSE is definitely worthwhile because you can't just focus on a single technology anymore.

Case Studies Definition

Microsoft customer stories. See how Microsoft tools help companies run their business. Monitoring and protecting sensitive data in Office 365 Technical Case Study. With Office 365, Microsoft corporate users can access and. Microsoft Azure and Box. Critical Needs. OneDrive for Business backup. Although Office 365 allows. AuditOne Gains Better Control Over. This section includes case studies from Wasabi users that demonstrate its capabilities, adoption experience and value. How Sage reduces Microsoft Azure hosting costs.

You really need to know the entire platform and how it all integrates together. Rld Avatar Keygen V1.01.rar. ' Jim Fincher Senior System Engineer Florida 'Certification changed my life.

It seems to have taken my career to a whole new level. They do a good job of making it relevant and going across the board with various skills needed to perform your job.'

Partners, If you’ve contacted Microsoft requesting guidance on building a successful Azure practice, chances are you’ve received the following messaging: Azure is a platform on which partners can design and offer their own solutions or packaged offerings. Partners can leverage Azure’s Infrastructure as a Service and Platform as a Service offerings as the foundation for not only new offerings but also existing services that you may already offer your customers. Azure IaaS and PaaS allows partners to reduce capital expense when building out the infrastructure for solutions, a fast time to market (just sign-in and start provisioning VM’s), elastic scale, global availability and consumption based billing, all great reasons to bet on Azure!

Don’t take my word for it, check out the following case study which features a great partner offering from Syvantis Technologies of Dynamics GP running on Microsoft Azure! Case Study Summary: Catalogic Software, originally a division of Syncsort that was spun out as a private entity, faced a unique challenge when it opened its doors in 2013.