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Karenna Morrowind Modding


The Ocean The Grand Inquisitor Rare. Remove #29 on the list and all shall be right. Power of googling.:twirl: The problem seems to stem from this mod that Verm1n mentioned. It's likely because of an improperly filtered dialogue entry that's causing Jasmine's greetings to not show. I run a number of dialogue intensvie mods (the LGNPC series) and have yet to have an issue. I would contact the author of that particular mod to see if there's an update available and if not, if they will tell you how to fix the issue. I did ask Cyrano fo the LGNPC team to check on this thread - he might have other advice, but changing the footpad mod is the only way I know of how to remove this error. As for posting pictures, it's best to just post the link.

If you want to label it, click on the 'Insert link' button at the top of the post window; it'll first ask for the url, then for the text you want to display. Examples are in the first post of this thread where I link to the download sites.

Morrowind Modding Tutorials

[edit]: I've contacted Fliggerty about this. Hopefully he can shed some light on this. Posts: 3423 Joined: Fri Sep 21, 2007 6:38 pm. Cyrano was kind enough to test Jasmine and Fliggerty's mod together, but could find no conflicts between the two, so the conflict likely stemmed form another mod.

Modding; Tools and Utilities for Morrowind Announcements. Linode Critical Maintenance. Linode will be performing critical maintenance on their servers. Note: If you want to use Morrowind watercolored textures, simply install 2.a, 2.b and MWC, then skip to 2.k 2.A Fixes. Note on installation: Install in the. As part of our relocation process to our offices in Exeter, we now have two job openings at Nexus Mods working within our community management team. Morrowind has been out for over 12 years now, but the Morrowind Modding scene has never truly died down. Underrated Mod of the Week - Karenna By Ulfgeir.

Seeing as how Raedwald hasn't responded to Fliggerty's suggestion, the conflict will likely never be found. Sefyu Suis Je Le Gardein De Mon Frere Rare there. Anyway, time for an update: I've been adding dialog for the Imperial Legion quests to Jasmine in the same manner I handled the MQ, though how you handle some of the quests will either raise or lower her opinion of you. After I finish with the Legion, I'll tackle the Cult and then release an update after I finish testing the Lorit quest.

Progress is slow, but seeing as how no major bugs have been reported, I've been taking my time to make sure the next update is as polished as I can make it. I have a question: I have a couple of new poems I've been thinking about adding and Black Hand has agreed to write me new stories. If nobody is reading the included books, then I really don't see any reason to include any new ones. I will, howver, be adding the book rotate scripts to the new books so that they're easier to place on bookshelves.

I'll be copying the BR scripts and renaming so the esm file will not be needed, nor will the mod conflict with that one. I should have an update ready some time later this year. Posts: 3499 Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2007 1:43 pm. Update: Yeah, I know I haven't posted any in a while, but I've been lazy and have been avoiding doing much modding here lately.:meh: Anyway, I'm almost finished with the Legion dialog, I just have the head Knight's quests to do then that'll be done. After that, I'll be adding some more dialog to Astrid and her father, Heidmir in the Skyrim mission.

His dialog will be included in LGNPC_Ebonheart, so it may be awhile before I release an update becasue I'll be writing two versions of some of his dialog: one for this mod only and another to be included in the LGNPC mod and likely in this mod - the later will only be seen in the LGNPC mod if Jasmine ins't loaded, this is to prevent story conflicts between the two since I changed Heidmir's background and gave him a daughter. I fixed a few small issues I've come across, nothing drastic, but the mod is a bit more polished now. I've also added the option to have Jasmine level without having to rest. Note that she will never increase in level beyond you, so if you haven't leveled up recently, she won't gain power or skills, but her health will be reset back to full. I did this for those who use GCD and don't want to have to level after resting and for a quick reset of her skills after you've asked her to change what she foxues on (Grumpy's versus the scouting skills).

You'll find the new option under her skill topic - just ask her to perform her excercises for her to level. Download Free Object Oriented Thought Process 4th Edition. Posts: 3371 Joined: Sat Oct 13, 2007 2:50 pm. Any news about the 2.1 version? It's being a while since the last reaction and i'm curious about the new version Since i haven't give some feedback after my questions (and you asked for it, my bad) here is some: i like the companion. There are no problems with the other mods i use.