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Module 7 Quantum Jumping Bible Code

Quantum Jumping Reviews

Chapter Eight - The Final Days. I asked him if the Bible code might work like quantum physics. If it did, then it could not tell us both what and when. Posts about Quantum Jumping written by Mason I. This is the modern interpretation of quantum theory. Bible Code (3) Bigfoot (29). A Mathematical Bible Code. 'Quantum mechanics is certainly. Even before this new mathematical Bible code was discovered we already had proof that God exists.

THE BIBLE CODE If nobody believed in superstition it would be unable to hurt anyone THE BIBLE CODE THE JESUS CODE According to a popular book, The Signature of God, by Grant R. Jeffrey the name of Jesus is encoded in the Old Testament – most importantly, where messianic prophecies appear. The Hebrew word for Jesus is Yeshua. Jeffrey is using the research of Yacov Rambsel.

Yacov finds Yeshua in the first verse of the Bible. It is encoded in Isaiah 53:10 which says that someone will suffer for sins and shall prosper after. Zechariah 11:12 which says that somebody’s price is thirty pieces of silver and which is erroneously mistaken for a prophecy of Judas betraying Jesus for the same amount in the New Testament has the name in it. Messiah, which is Maschiach, in Hebrew occurs in Zechariah 12:10. And Yeshua shows up in Daniel 9 in which we find the prophecy of the seventy weeks. According to Christians, this chapter gives us the year when Jesus would be crucified - before it happened! The book gives the original text of many Hebrew prophecies thought to be messianic.

The idea is we can be able to see the name of Jesus coded in the text for ourselves. There is something wrong when the name of Jesus shows up in prophecies that may not be prophecies at all or at least which could have several meanings. In the light of this, if there is a code then it is trying to tell us something. It is trying to tell us that Jesus is not the subject of the prophecies or the texts. The surface meaning is the most important one so it comes first. Jesus just means God saves and its occurrence could be a statement and not a name.

Jesus was a popular name. Only the context can determine what is being said about Jesus.

The code could have been put in deliberately by the prophets for it is easy to arrange that every 26th letter or so for a bit will spell out a name especially when there are no vowels in Hebrew. Perhaps, the Jesus legend existed and was in danger of breaking out even before New Testament times when some decided to invent a new Jesus. Perhaps the real Jesus is still to come and the other one was just a devil-inspired myth or a conman. Why didn’t Jesus who came to prove his mission tell the Jews about the codes? He never mentioned codes or anything. If he had known about them he would have used them to prove his divine sonship instead of descending on double-meaning alleged prophecies.

Activation For Sygic there. The Bible says that the word of God is plain (2 Corinthians 1:13). 1 Corinthians 4:6 says we must not go beyond what is written in the surface narrative. 2 Timothy 3:16 says that the Bible is sufficient for the believer. There was no Bible code to function as absolute proof of the Bible being true known in those days and we are being told that it would be pointless. God does not do pointless miracles according to the Bible. So, if there is a code then it really refutes the Bible’s claim to be the word of God. Jesus told the apostles they would be led into all truth (John 16:13).