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Php Update Form Data Into Database Administration


PHP Form Handling PHP Form Validation PHP Form Required PHP Form URL. Update Data In a MySQL Table Using MySQLi and PDO. The UPDATE statement is used to update. Update MySQL using HTML Form and PHP. Of the input boxes are changed and submitted the database is supposed to update. Die('Could not update data.

Php Update Form Data Into Database Administration

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You should not use this code on a production website. Warning: This tutorial uses old techniques.

It is insecure and will leave your server vulnerable to SQL Injection attacks.This tutorials also uses mysql_ functions that are no longer support. For updated tutorials look for a or MySQLi tutorial.This post will be delete or revised in the future. This tutorial is a continuation on the that showed you how to setup a database using phpMyAdmin and how to read data from the database using PHP. In the tutorial I will show you how to write data to the database directly through a from on your website. This is going to be a very basic writing tutorial.

We will get into more advanced stuff later on. You will need to follow the first part of the the to setup the database and user permissions. After you do that you can continue with this tutorial. At this point you should have the database setup with some test data in it. I am going to show you how to update the date by using a form on a website. First we will create the form. You can use any editor you would like.

Sometimes I use notepad, but for this tutorial I will be using cPanel’s web base editor. It allows me to edit the files directly on my server and also color codes the lines nicely. First we will create our form. We will name it “form.php”. Now we will create the form using some basic html, nothing fancy.

Start with the form tag. Notice that the form action is set to update.php, that is the script that will update the database. Now we will add 3 input boxes for our 3 columns in the database.

FName, LName, and PHON. There is a 4th column in the database we created, the ID field. That field is auto generated so we do not need to update it. We created the input boxes for each field in the database. You will notice that the size of each input is limited to the size of our fields in the database.

Each field is a text because we want a text box. Next we need to add a submit button. A submit button is also an input field.

The type is submit, which will create a button and the value gives the button a label that you will see from your browser. That is it for form.php. I might as well mention that there is no reason that I named this with a.php extension. It could have been called form.html and it would have functioned the same way because there is no php code on the form.

Save the fiel and open it in your browser. It should look like this. The next step is to create the update.php file. This file will update the database with the new information. Create a new file called update.php. Now to start coding a php file we always start with the open and close php tags. The first thing we are going to do is capture the data that was sent from the form.php file and store the info as variables.