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Create A Run As Batch File


Jul 21, 2013 i want to create batch file to execute all. You can use 'copy nul' oe echo command to create a batch file using xp. ECHO To Run the Batch File. Copy the above contents to Notepad, and save the file with.REG extension (say, bat_runas.reg). Right-click the.REG file and choose Merge. To add the Run as. Menu for.CMD files, use this REG file: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT cmdfile shell runas command] @=' '%1 '%*' Copy the. In window 7 and vista, i want to make a batch file that run command as administrator, help me.?

Learn some basic batch commands. Batch files run a series of DOS commands, so the commands that you can use are similar to DOS commands.

Create A Batch File To Run As Administrator

Some of the more important ones include: • ECHO - Displays text on the screen • @ECHO OFF - Hides the text that is normally output • START - Run a file with its default application • REM - Inserts a comment line in the program • MKDIR/RMDIR - Create and remove directories • DEL - Deletes a file or files • COPY - Copy a file or files • XCOPY - Allows you to copy files with extra options • FOR/IN/DO - This command lets you specify files. • TITLE - Edit the title of the window.

Hi friends, i want to create batch file to execute all my.sql scripts. I have all table ( all table scripts in single file ),Udds ( all udds in single file ),Stored procedures( separate file for each SPs ),Functions ( Separate file for each Functions ),Triggers and views scripts in.SQL file. Can anybody tell me how to create batch file for executing all these scripts in sql server?

While executing, it should ask Database name,server name, password. If these details are given then it should execute my all scripts in given database, if any error thrown then that error and procedure name alone have to move to separate log file. Please help me if this possible or any other easy way to do this. Azure Case Studies Microsoft Office more.

Thanks - Ravi. Naren, I gave like this, @echo off set /p sname= Please enter the servername: set /p dbname= Please enter the databasename: set /p Username= Please enter the User Name: set /p pwd= Please enter the password: sqlcmd -U%Username% -S%sname% -d%dbname% -P%PWD% -i 'C: A.sql' -o 'C: err.txt' but it is not executing this A.sql which contains one udpate query. Can u please tell me what is the mistake here? Thanks - Ravi This should work. See what message do you get in err.txt You can also test first the command line by entering the parameters like: sqlcmd -U MaryS -S MYSERVER. Kalman Toth New Book. Hi Mr.Ravi Very Good Evening set /p srv= Enter SQL Server Name: set /p usr= Enter User Name: set /p pwd= Enter Password: set /p dbs= Enter Database Name: echo.